Friday, 28 August 2009

Heavy dinner post

Well, i have nothing better to do owing to a late big dinner, which has sufficiently fatigued me that i'm not able to concentrate on what i'm reading ( completeness of 1st order logic in Computability and Logic by Boolos and Jeffrey), so I thought I would post in my little cared for, little pored on, like Milton's Tetrachordon (see this, for his funny xenophobic little poem), blog. And indeed, if this is to be my thought sink, my thoughts are fairly contented at the mo, owing in part to my discovery of a great site, which allows one to quickly make three panel cartoons using a database of graphics. It's really great, and has served as a creative outlet for me since i discovered it 2 days ago. Creation is an excellent activity for those prone to introspection (prolly that's what got God going, if he's like Aristotle's bloke thinking thinking thinking). One can people a world, and one's own peoplelessness and worldlessness is forgotten for a while.
Hopefully this little spurt of logorrhea has knocked away the dietary cobwebs, and now I can go back to my canonical derivations.

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